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Month the Fifteenth

5.27.24 Back at it It has been a hiatus; I have been too busy to properly devote the time to the written word, and that is a sad thing....

Month the Fourteenth

4.20.24 Cold Grey Morning It is with a warm heart that I greet you. Warm heart, warm coffee, light snow coming down outside. On April...

Month the Thirteenth

3.20.24 Wrestling with the Blank Page You can’t fight it. You must allow the devils their due. Here is where the magic happens, where the...

Month the Twelfth

3.13.24 Back in the Saddle Again I listened to a live Zevon set yesterday. Good to shake up the way you think about guitars by injecting...

Month the Tenth

1.4.24 New Year Same Struggle I have completely lost track of time. I don’t know where I was last year, allegedly Earth but my mind was...

Month the Seventh Pt.2

10.10.23 The Pen is mightier than the sword. And the Penis for that matter. Someone once told me I was a man with a woman’s soul. Soul is...

Month the Seventh Pt.1

10.7.23 Late to the Game I’m behind the eight-ball by way of paranoia. Everyone and everyone coming to get me. No end to the conspiracy....

Month the Sixth

8.23.23 Two dreams one nightmare Which is which? Really? Dream logic being such that the scary ones make you better and the pleasant ones...

Month the Fifth

7.25.23 After a respite A few days off from this, a few hard days of living, of working. And all work and no play makes Jack a dull...

Monthe the Forthe

6.21.23 Early again What is wrong with me? Why do my passions lead me in such insane directions? Prophecy or no, who is to deny the...

Month the Third

5.19.23 A day early and two dollars fat Back to where we started, the shock of red now faded to pink and the dirty blonde peeking...

Month the Twoothe

4.20.23 Up against the bandsaw There is no time for this, this familiarity, the pressure from the family. There is nothing wrong, I’m...

Month the First

3.28.23 Everybody wants the Motorcycle ride. Yesterday was a typical afternoon. The barista gave me the willies with that shock of red...

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